Saturday 25 June 2011

1080 & other baits

1080 is a poisonous bait which is one of the ways people kill possums. It looks like a light, white powder, which has no smell in it's original/natural form. It decomposes like compost.
Normally it would be thrown around a forest from a helicopter held in a large tarpaulin. It sometimes is put in a bomb. It is absorbable and mixes well with water.
A lethal amount of 1080 causes animals to run out of energy until they die. But the process is painless because it causes their brains to become unaware to what's happening to their body, so its not as messy and inhumane. The animal dies in a few hours to a few days.
But the bad thing is that sometimes our native or just normal animals accidentally eat it and die too.

A new trap has been invented just recently which contains sugar and oil in the machine, which possums love. When a possum goes near it, it triggers a blade which chop the possum's head off. It can kill 35 animals before it needs to be rechecked.

Other ways of killing possums are gassing, trapping them in cages using bair, poisoning them, just plain shooting them e.t.c.

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